Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sister Hunter to the MTC!!!

Final goodbyes to Mom via Skype!

Heading to the car with Bug to pack in suitcases!

Receiving the sacred chocolate chips from Bug.
(supposedly it Sister Hunter is supposed to eat one chocolate chip a day)
(Bug ate several while waiting for the van)

Aunt Deanna came home really quickly from her training to say goodbye.

The chocolate chip.

Arriving at the MTC parking lot.

The Puseys.

The grandparents.

Aunt Carolyn.

The Jen Bug.



Saying goodbye!

Saying goodbye to Unkie Nate via Facetime.

Dropping Sister Hunter off at the MTC curb!!!

This was Sister Hunter's host for the day!

Bye Pond!  See you in 18 months!

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