Monday, May 5, 2014

And so it begins...again

Hello all! I hope all of your weeks are continuing to go well and all that fancy jazz. Another week has past in the good ol' Ohio and our apartment is quite different. 
We have two new sisters! My new companion is Sister Mertlich and she is absolutely wonderful. We are having a really great time together! She is actually a Kirtland sister (meaning her mission call was to be one of the missionaries that gives tours in Kirtland along with the other mission life) but because all of the sisters have an opportunity to go 'full pros' (pross? proz? PHAOTPHE?) (as in full proselyting...which is what it is called when we go knocking on doors and teaching and all that jazz) she is now here with me! It's great. She said she'd been praying for the opportunity to be on a bike and here it is! 
We also have Sister Urso in the apartment, she is hilarious and adorable. She's probably less than 5 feet tall (I have yet to ask) which makes it great because Sister Maddox, her companion, is 6 feet tall exactly. They make a great combination. They're both really great. Though I am really sad that Sister Hodson is no longer here. But such is mission life, right?
This week has been pretty crazy what with transfers and everything. It's finals week for the university so we're going to be losing a lot of our teaching pool this week, which is sad. I'm going to miss all of them a whole lot. They're so great. Ah. Bowling Green. I didn't think I would like it here but I really do now. Particularly since everything is no longer dead. That definitely helps. 
Ah, Ohio.
Have I said how grateful I am to be here? Because I most definitely am. I can't say for sure if I've changed anyone's life, but I know that I have changed my own. And that's definitely worth every minute. There's a 'how to begin teaching' point that we have as an example of things to say to people that says, "We may not be able to answer every question you have, but we have been called by a prophet of God to share what we know. We know that this message is true." That one was my favorite from the first time I read it. Because there are so many things about this gospel that I don't know. But I can say that I know that what we share is true. I think the best is looking back over the past 3 years where I went from thinking "No way is that true" to "Well probably but I'm not telling any of my friends" to "Yeah. Definitely. Gonna share it with the world" and it makes me laugh. I do know that this is true. There are too many things that have happened that don't make sense in any other way. And why shouldn't it be true? Why can't we believe in something that is so filled with hope and happiness? That teaches us how to live good lives? That changes so many lives? What's wrong with believing that there is something better out there? Nothing. There is nothing wrong with that. 
Look at that paragraph. Full of inspiration. So serious. Yep. Gonna stop there. 
Until next week, I love you all! (I stop loving you after next week. Sorry.) I look forward to skyping with you on Sunday Mum and Da!
Sister Hunter

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