Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What a week

I believe the above title describes everything to perfection.
Happy news first! We had a ward mission fair on Wednesday which we were all really worried about because it didn't seem like it was going to come together, but then it did! And guess what? THE ENTIRE COMMON GOOD CAME. All of them! Well...minus a couple. But everyone that was there that night! Including my favorites. Which is what counts. And we had 3 investigators at church! 2 in the branch and 1 in the ward! It was absolutely awesome! 
Now to the sad. In case you all did not notice, today is Tuesday and not Monday. This is because this week is transfers. And guess what is happening? Sister Hodson is leaving me. It makes me sad beyond all measure. But I suppose I have to share her with other people. Such is the mission life. But still. I would like to keep her. 
Then there is the worst news of all, Sister Planer had to go home on Friday for medical leave. We all miss her a lot. I love Sister Planer. Hopefully she'll get better and be able to come back out really soon. Because seriously, she is the best person. And a great missionary. And I miss her. 
The only highlight of this event though is that she ended up having to leave right after the 6 of us had dinner at our ward mission leader's home so we all went out to say good bye to her and of course ended up crying because we all love her. When we came back in Brother Williams sees all of our faces and asks what happened so we tell him she had to go home. Then he says, "Oh...do you want some chocolate?" That is a smart man, ladies and gentleman.
So because of Sister Planer going home we've had to be in a triple up with Sister Maddox since Friday night. Which is weird. Triple ups are weird. They're not terrible. They're just weird. It's also extra fun because we're having to cover two areas. But we have had a car because of that as well. And I got a cold on Friday so it has been nice not having to bike while sick. But yeah. This week...lots of good...lots of sad. But the nice thing about all of it is even though there was a lot of sad stuff this week I love being a missionary. I am so glad I am out here. There is something extra amazing about doing this work. Who is it that has the quote "there's nothing more satisfying than missionary work?" It's true. 
Well, I miss you all! Continue being wonderful and writing me! 

Me on my bike in front of a beautiful tree. 

A picture of us with Nichelle!

And us with my favorite people from the Common Good!

Pictures this week: Our district! 

Our amazing investigator Jessee!

A picture that I believe describes me and Sister Hodson fairly well

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