Monday, February 17, 2014

Week something something.

Hello everyone!
I have yet to read your emails because I figure I should probably get this out of the way first so I am not typing the exact same thing 40 times. But, I assume they are marvelous. And thank you for writing them!
In exciting news, your memory tends to leave you while you are on your mission of everything that does not have to do with what you need. I was trying to explain to one of the sisters how amazing Alkaline Trio's lyrics were by saying some of them, and I couldn't remember. It took me half an hour to remember the song I have had as my ringtone for the last 3 years. Pretty special, right? 
In other news, this week has been pretty crazy. We were able to go to Kirtland on Friday which was an incredible experience. You all should go. It was awesome. And wonderful. And go. 
One of our investigators came to church on Sunday with 5 of his children! (He has 12 total, but they live with their mom elsewhere so he only had 5 of them this weekend. Sorry Grandma, you have been beat). But it was really great. It was the first time he was able to stay for all 3 meetings and only the second time he had made it to church. I didn't realize it would be so nerve racking waiting for them to come through the door. You're hoping and hoping and then suddenly they are there! It was wonderful. 
Last Monday we did some service for one of the less active members in the ward. His name is Brother Morris. We helped him roll a thousand pound thing of hay out of the back of his truck. Which sounds super hardcore and awesome, but it's actually not. Partially because one of his friends was pushing it in the back, so pretty much you're just avoiding getting knocked over by it as it comes out of the truck. Which is a talent in itself. I may have yelped. But you'll never know for sure. 
Other than those exciting things I don't believe there is a whole lot to say. It was really great to see Sister Mejia again and the rest of our Cleveland sisters when we went to Kirtland. While we were there we said a prayer in the school of prophets about how we would like our mission to go and what we hope to accomplish from it. Apparently we then go back our last day here and 'report' so to say. So we 'start' and end our mission in Kirtland. (Technically we were a little thrown off since we went a week after we'd been in the field, but there you go). I wish I could express how wonderful and spiritual Kirtland is.  
Oh, P.S. according to my ecclesiastical card thing (I think that's what it's called) my last day will be August 6th. At least that is when it expires. 
I would send pictures but there is not the time today. We are having to use the university's computer lab since the library is closed due to the holiday. So, with that I shall depart. Enjoy your weeks! I look forward to hearing from you!
Sister Hunter 

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