Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 4! Or is it 5? Actually I think it's 5

Hello everyone! 
It's kind of weird writing these letters since it's one really big one and I don't expect a response but at the same time I feel like there is a response? I don't know. Anyway! This week:
I've decided to bring my journal with me now so I can actually remember what happened. Written every single day throughout the entry is: I am so tired. I'm tired. Wow, I'm tired. So, if you happened to be wondering, I'm tired. Huzzah missionary work!
This week we had about 500 cancellations. Which may sound like an exaggeration but it's not. Well, it is. But only by about 480 maybe. Well, we probably didn't actually have 20 cancellations, but we had a lot. 
To fill this time we went finding. The nice thing about dear Bowling Green and our surrounding areas is that people are incredibly nice. Most of them aren't interested, and if they aren't they politely say that. So far my favorite has been a woman that opened her door about an inch so all you could see was one eye and said no thank you as soon as Sister Hodson was about to open her mouth then shut the door with force. I would say slammed but you can't really slam a door that is only open an inch. So, you know, polite. 
Our same investigator that we had to call 911 for the first day I was here had to go to the hospital again when we came over to teach him. This time a member that was with us called her husband who took him, so a little less dramatic than the ambulance. If you would like to know more email me but I won't say all the details since this is on the blog. I would say he's okay, but we don't really know. Keep him in your prayers, familia. And friends. 
Oh, and here is a story about how all of your prayers for my safety have helped! So, we were driving back from Kirtland last week, a trainer for another sister was driving, and she realized while we were on the highway that she missed the exit. So, obviously the thing to do at this point is to come to an abrupt stop. On the highway. In the left lane. Dead stop. On the highway. This is what happened. Not continue on and turn around where we can. Your prayers come into play in the fact that no one was near us at the time so there was no accident, but she had to be told that a) we shouldn't be stopped right now and b) we can't make a u-turn on the highway so you're going to need to move before cars come. Needless to say I was panicking, but we lived. 
Another fun driving story: a completely different sister on our way down to district meeting thought the emergency break might be on. Which it wasn't, but she thought she should probably push it to make sure that it wasn't. While we were driving. Once again, nothing happened. So, thank you for your prayers. 
Oh, and I have been memorizing the first vision in spanish. You ready? Vi una columna de luz mas briliante que el sol directamente arriba de mi cabeza ....dos personajes cuy fulgor y gloria no admitten descripcion. Uno de ellos me hablo llamandome por mi nombre y hijo, senalando al otro, "este es mi hijo amado escuchalo!" BAM. Did that from memory. Not that you know since none of you are sitting here, but there you go. And it's not all of it, as Jon could tell you, but I'm learning! I know there's an al reposar vi la luz en el aire arriba mi and something something in the middle there that part is actually just the "I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head above the brightness of the sun...2 personages whose brightness and glory defy all description. One of them spake unto me calling me by name and said pointing to the other, "this is my beloved son, hear him." I don't know if I'll actually need this out here or anything, but if we ever run into someone that speaks spanish I'll be able to tell him/her the first vision! I tried practicing teaching the restoration to my companion in spanish, who speaks absolutely no spanish, so it was extra special. And probably made no sense. But I tried! And it made it less intimidating that way. Mainly because she had no idea what I was saying, but there you go. 

Now I think I will move on to pictures. 

My 'greenie (green-y? green-ie?)' meal. 

Sister Hodson and I at Kirtland. Everyone only had a few minutes to take pictures, so that's my only one of us

I really wanted to get the House of the Lord bit, but I couldn't very well as I was taking that picture as I was running to catch up with everyone. 

Sister Hodson and I

Sisters Frampton and Mitchell gave us a chocolate frog for Valentine's Day! (and a ton of other candy), but the witches/wizards card was mysteriously missing from it

My camera sucks, but that is me in all my winter gear in some awesomely thick snow one night. 

My awesome squirrel friend that hangs out in the tree by our apartment 

Us in all our beauty

The best sign 

And that is all for now. I love you all and miss you a lot! I hope you're all straying strong and making it through all the things you all have to do! Love you all much!

Sister Hunter 

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