Monday, March 3, 2014

Week the 6 total? What did I say last week?

And we move on to another week! Ah, time. How thou is flying. Not really. But it is. But not at the same time. It's interesting. But hello everybody! I miss you all much! I hope you all are doing well! Your letters are all still wonderful,uplifting, hilarious, some a combination of all of those things and some other words that I can't think of right now! 
This week has been pretty great. We luckily did not have practically every person we were supposed to teach cancel on us, so we were actually able to teach people! Not that we weren't able to last week, but it was much more difficult. We had dinner with the Acostas a couple of nights ago, who are from Colorado! They too dislike the terrible flatness and death of Ohio. Well, Bowling Green. And maybe not so much death. But they much prefer Colorado. This week I am including some pictures of the beautiful scenery that I get to see driving to people's homes everyday. I know you're all going to be so jealous of the majestic views. 
Anyway, I am definitely starting to get much more comfortable out here. The first couple of weeks I hardly said anything during lessons, but it has been my goal to say at least 3 things each lesson and now it is working well. It's really crazy, this work. Sister Hodson tells me about how depressed and down on life one of our investigators was when they first started to teach him, and how now, having the gospel in his life has helped him so much. It's truly incredible. I know it's helped me in my life, so knowing that I'm able to be apart of helping others know of it, it's amazing. It is great. 
We've been talking a lot about family history lately in our meetings and how doing genealogical work can help investigators and new converts focus on going to the temple. It's definitely driving up my desire to do it. I'm regretting I didn't spend more time working on Dad's lines. 
It's so great being on a mission. There are so many things I'm learning right now that I can't wait to apply when I get home. Like scripture study. Why did I not do this every single day? It's fantastic. And family history as well. And going to the temple. Why didn't I go every week when there was one so close? I mean life gets busy, but there was definitely time for it all. So, I guess that is my advice to everyone right now. I know you hear how you should do those things all the time, but take it to heart if you haven't yet. It's incredible. Also, if you have questions, search the scriptures. Truly search them. And pray. Ask. Have faith you'll find the answers. They will come. 
Hopefully that wasn't too preachy. I guess I am a missionary now though, so you know, it's only fair that if I'm telling strangers such things I should also tell family and friends those things. :) 
I love you all! I miss you a lot! Continue doing wonderful things and being wonderful! And writing me! Because I love it! And if you wanted to send pictures, that is perfectly fine! 
As to my pictures: The glorious and majestic view I get to see each day that I know you all are incredibly jealous of. And if I'm being serious, Becky, you probably are actually jealous of it. Please, come. Take it from me. I will switch you. But not the people. You may have the land, I will keep the people. 

Oh, P.S. Definitely pushed another 1000lb thing of hay again. And lived. We also organized a tool drawer for that same man and I'm pretty sure he has over a hundred different screwdrivers. You may think I am exaggerating, but I am not. Also, EVERYONE OUT HERE LOVES COUNTRY. It's terrible. Every single house we walk in to if the radio is playing, that is what is on. My ears may possibly have developed chronic bleeding. 
P.P.S. I'm sorry if there are some of you that wanted me to write you that I haven't yet, I promise if you write me I will reply but if I do not have an email or letter from you I will forget. 
P.P.P.S. The Chase family is amazing. You all should know this. Because they are. And so are a lot of other people. But particularly them. 

PS this is the picture of our zone from zone conference! See if you can find me!

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