Monday, April 21, 2014

A Rather Excellent Occurrence

Dear Family and the Friends,

First of all, Happy belated Easter! I hope you all had a really great one! Because it was fairly wonderful for us. Were you all able to watch Because of Him? Do so. It's wonderful.
This week has also been rather wonderful. We have another new investigator! She met with missionaries a couple of years ago but then had to stop because she got really sick and then her parents told her she was not allowed to. So the sad news is if her parents tell her to stop again she will. She's 21 though so it kind of sucks they won't let her make her own decisions in such matters, but we're not there to create bad situations between the family. She's really great though and I hope that we'll be able to continue. 
In other news, are you all ready for the best pick up line that has ever happened? We were doing service at St. Mark's this wednesday (As we do every Wednesday) which involves helping them serve dinner for the community for those that are struggling to eat and the such. You get quite a lot of characters there let me tell you. But anyway, I was standing at the end of the serving line asking them if they all wanted some candy when this quite possibly 70 year old man comes up and reads my name tag and goes, "Sister...Hunter...hmm" and then starts to walk away. But then he turns around and goes, "I've been hunting for you all my life." And then walked away completely. I about died laughing. Every one has been saying that is the pick up line my future husband will use. So we shall see.
Another semi-great semi-sad occurrence involved our leaving the Common Good that same night. I don't think I have told you all about the Common Good. It is this inter-faith bible study the other sisters found before we came where we go there and we read a few verses from the bible and then everyone has an opportunity to discuss what they got out of it. And after there's a sort of 'free for all' where you can ask people questions or just start a conversation. Every one is super respectful and sincerely pays attention as we're talking. It's awesome. We were able to teach the Plan of Salvation in our last go round and everyone was super interested. But anyway, we're having a ward activity on the 23rd so we told them we wouldn't be able to be there and that transfers are the week after so one or both of us may or may not be back. The leader of the group told us, "That's just unfair. It's like you guys tease us with being awesome people and then you're gone." (I'm paraphrasing but that was the general meaning behind it) And then a couple of seconds later was like, "That's it! Bible study is cancelled!" So, they love us. And we love all of them. But anyway, I won't make this terribly long, know that I love all of you and I'm sorry I have no exciting pictures this week! 
Sister Hunter

p.s. Next week is transfers so I will be emailing on Tuesday instead of Monday!

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