Monday, April 7, 2014

Let It Rain, Let It Pour

Familia (Y amigos!), 

This week has been absolutely crazy, but the best part was Thursday when it rained all day. We had 6 lessons planned for that day and 5 of them cancelled on us. Luckily Thursday is the day we do weekly planning so we didn't have to be out in the rain too much, but we did for the one lesson. And that ride was fantastic. Ohio is terrible about pot holes and the area we are in used to be a swamp so there are certain areas that the water gets pretty high. One of those areas happened to be at a stop sign for a semi-busy street we have to cross. It was at this stop sign that I discovered my boots were not actually waterproof. It was also on the way to this lesson that I discovered the outer liner of my winter coat is not either. So I was drenched. Also, my 'waterproof' bag. That is not waterproof. Everything but my scriptures and the book of Mormon I was carrying got wet.  
That was the same day we got the right brake fixed for my bike so now I can actually brake and signal at the same time! Crazy happenings! 
And then there was general conference. I love general conference! Everyone keeps saying how it is the Super Bowl for missionaries, and it's true. I love that we can have so many of our questions answered while watching it and the spirit that you can feel. It was pretty crazy at first because for the Saturdaymorning session (which is at 12 here. How weird is that?) There was nothing set up. Luckily one of the members who is tech savvy lives right across the street from the church so he was able to come and get it going and all was well. We only missed the first 10 minutes. But seriously, conference is wonderful. I hope all of you enjoyed it. My favorite talk was Elder Bednar's about the atonement. I love Elder Bednar. Him President Uchtdorf and Elder Holland's talks always seem to speak to me the most. Though they are all wonderful of course. DID I TELL YOU ALL ELDER HOLLAND IS COMING TO OUR MISSION? I AM GOING TO GET TO SHAKE HIS HAND. I am so excited. I think Sister Planer almost passed out from excitement. 
Things change a lot as a missionary, don't they? I used to be this excited for Green Day. Now I am excited for Elder Holland. Oh! Here is another fun fact about being a missionary: I was running a couple of days ago and the song stuck in my head was Joseph Smith's First Prayer. Yep. I'm a missionary.
I hope you are all doing well! I say yet again thank you so much for all of your letters! I love them! Keep em coming and continue to have fun in your life!

Sister Hunter 

2840: Sister Planer broke a lightbulb trying to jump rope out of the kitchen this morning. I about died laughing

2824: My action shot trying to jump from sitting on my legs to standing. I didn't manage it. I keep landing on my butt. (Don't worry I have biking shorts underneath!)

2804: The ride to our lesson in the rainstorm. 

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