Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Crazy Greatness

On this the day of the 14th of April I write to inform all of you of my imminent...continuation...of my mission...yes. We got two new investigators this week! One is super solid. She was meeting with missionaries two years ago but then decided she no longer cared and stopped and we called her up and she said she'd call us back, and no one ever does. But then she did! So we've started meeting with her and it's super great! She's loving it and has dived right in to the Book of Mormon! The only thing that sucks is that school gets out in about 3 weeks and she is a student at the university so she shall be gone in 3 weeks. Hopefully she'll continue to meet with missionaries wherever it is she ends up. 
Our other investigator is also great! We met her at St Mark's when we were volunteering there. She said she thought we were doing was really cool and 'would like to do that'. So we had to explain to her that you had to be a member at least a year before you could be a missionary, but she's still interested which is great! 
We've had a super busy week though. We found out recently that there are a bunch of members that aren't on our ward list for some reason that haven't been attending so we called every single one of them. A lot of the numbers were disconnected, most didn't answer, the ones that did said they didn't want to hear from us, but eh so is life. We're stopping by the homes of all those that did not answer so we shall see when that comes. We had the ward Easter activity this last Saturday. Sister Hodson and I were in charge of the 'missionary race'. They had to dress up in missionary clothes, run to a chair at the end take off the clothes and then the next person had to put them on and whoever got through their whole team first won. Included should be quite possibly the best picture of Bishop Lake you will have ever seen. He kind of reminds me of David Tennant. Just a bit.  
But yes. Things are trucking along. This new area has been pretty great. Sad for the people that we haven't been able to see, but great for these new ones that they have. :)
I miss you all a lot! And thank you so much for your letters and all of your kind words! They're great. See you all in a little more than 15 months! (Can you believe it's only 6 days from my 3 month mark?) And congratulations to Jon and Morgan! Travis is adorable and that is so exciting!!! 
P.S. I don't know if any of you have had hummus with 'fresh crushed pepper' or something like that but it is incredible. Especially if you eat it with pita chips. Just saying. And that definitely related to everything I said above.

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