Monday, March 24, 2014

Changes all around

And the new transfer is officially under way and I can officially tell you all the news.
Guess who got transferred...sort of? That would be Sister Hodson and I...or is it me in this case? I don't remember grammar. Here is the story I could not tell you last week:
I was going to explain every last detail, but long story short they needed one car elsewhere, so they put us on bikes (still in Bowling Green, but the biking area where previously we were the cities north of bowling green) so that the sister training leaders who were previously in the biking area could still have a car in order to make exchanges. So, we had to swap areas. It has been crazy. And sad. But also really fun at the same time.
I am very excited to be on bikes, but I am definitely missing the people. But the people in this area seem to be pretty great as well. Sunday is pretty crazy now because being in the biking area means we are also the missionaries for the YSA branch, so we are at church from 9 until 4. (The ward meets at 10 but we have ward council at 9 and then the branch meets at 12 with a 'munch and mingle' after). So, 7 hours in the same building. The branch is super small. There are about 15 people. Much different than the single's ward in Utah. We only needed 3 tables with chairs around them set up for the munch mingle. I thought fondly on break the fast with our lack of ability to have chairs. 
We also were told an hour before the meeting that Sister Hodson and I are supposed to teach Gospel Principles. So that was special. We pulled it off well though. 
I'm super excited but definitely miss everyone in our old area a lot. But I still get to see them at church so that at least is good. 
We have a new sister in our apartment, her name is Sister Maddox. She is from Orem! She is quite fun and is 6 feet tall. So, Beth, I have found a person as tall as you. Be happy. 

Now pictures! 
Sister Openshaw and I before her departure. She is in Strongsville now.

Sister Planer and I looking beautiful. 

Stole sister Hodson's memory card. Say hello to beauty. 
There is me laughing insanely.

Sisters Hodson, Maddox, Planer and I.

And me intruding on Sister Hodson and Sister Maddox's photo with my model pose. 

I promise this is the last one! This was our last district meeting together before transfers which happened to fall on St. Patrick's Day, hence the 15 different shades of green.

There would be more pictures but I have this problem where everyone else has their cameras out so I just rely on them for pictures and then never actually take them from them. But there you go. I hope all your weeks are going well, I miss you all and will hopefully have a picture of us looking super fly in missionary garb on a bike. If you thought biking in a skirt would be terrible, you would be right. Though not as terrible as I thought it would be. Just really annoying really.
And on that happy note, I bid you adieu. 

-Sister Hunter

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