Monday, March 10, 2014

Weeks upon weeks. I think this is 6? 7?

This week. Wow. This week was really hard. I thought previous weeks had been hard? No. This week trumps it. 
We'll start with the good though. My absolute favorite part of this week was when we knocked on some guys door and found out he couldn't speak English. So guess who attempted to speak to him in Spanish? That would be me. It was pretty terrible. Luckily he knew some English so when I was like "El Libro de Mormon es un otro se la palabra..testament?" "testamento" "Ah yes! Testamento de Jesu Cristo." Yep. That happened. It was actually really awesome. Well, it was kind of terrible because I'm pretty sure he has absolutely no idea what I was talking about. Mainly because I did not know the word for missionaries or latter day saints. So I told him we were from the church of Jesus Christ. We just aren't latter day saints anymore. Sorry, guys. And asked if he knew the book of Mormon. At least I hope that's what I asked him. And then I hope I asked him if he would like to learn more, if not he said no either way. Which is partially why it was terrible. Don't even care though. I wanted to be able to speak Spanish on my mission and it happened. Be jealous. 
The next best part was when we were tracting yesterday and someone started to slowly close the door as soon as he read our name tags, but said hello in response to our hi and good in response to our how are you doing as he was shutting the door. I'll have to reenact it for all of you at some point. It was hilarious. And super special. Ah, people. We also had stake conference this weekend and that was really great. Good speakers, good talks. 
So, now for the bad. Every single one of our investigators cancelled on us and some of our other people. So we had a total of 6 lessons this week. Our goal is always at least 20. Normally we are at if not fairly close to this goal. Not this week. 
And now for the terrible part of the week. It was yesterday. We were tracting. Knocked on this person's door, as we are prone to do. He answered. First thing out of his mouth was, "Ah, from Utah then are we?" I told him, "Nope! Colorado!" He then went on to tell us that we were a cult and he disagreed with what we were doing. So, you know. Yep. Sister Hodson asked him why he felt that way. So, he let us know. Yep. He most certainly let us know. The short list: Joseph Smith is just a disaffected youth and our scriptures were written by him so we're not actually following God because Joseph Smith was completely wrong and troubled. Also, I'm not sure if any of you were aware of this but apparently we're really only out here doing this so we can earn our salvation. Not because we found happiness in this gospel and want to help others find that happiness, it's really just so we can earn our way into heaven. Sorry all of you out there that did not serve a mission, cause I guess you're not going to heaven. There were other things, but I won't go into it.  I just stood there the whole time doing my best to not say anything because I a) didn't know what to say and b) everything that was coming to mind would not have helped the situation in any way. It would have just been gaining up on him to point out all the scriptures in the bible that dispute everything he said. That and if he knew what the actual definition of a cult was. Because we're not a cult. In case any of you thought that, we are not. Sorry to burst your bubble. But I digress.Sister Hodson told him we weren't out here earning our salvation, we were learning how to come closer to Christ and inviting others to do the same. Which I thought was awesome.
Anyway it basically ended with him telling us we were out here doing Satan's work and we should think long and hard about who Christ really is because the person we call Christ is not actually Christ. Oh, and stay warm. 
Yeah, thanks. The words you have just told me bring warmth to every part of my body. It doesn't make me feel sick in any way. 
I prepared myself for people thinking we're crazy, for people disagreeing with what we have to say or not caring, but I definitely was not prepared for some guy to tell us we were working for Satan. Normally stuff like that would not bother me, I think it was just not having the best week and then let's add this whole pile of happiness. It has been hard.
I was reading in the scriptures last night so that life is not so depressing and there are about 500 verses that all say, "He that receiveth you not, go away from him alone by yourselves, and cleanse your feet...bear testimony of it unto your father which is in heaven and return not again unto that man." (D&C 84:92) There are others but that was the first I found. So, now that I have ranted in this email for so long I am not going to mention it again. Ah, how ranting helps. 
Anyway, I still miss all of you and am still really grateful for all your letters! I love hearing from you. If you wanted to stop having lives while I'm gone that would be okay, but if you insist on continuing them then you shall have to continue to write. I think that is good logic.
But I miss all of you and love all of you! And do not be alarmed by this email, I am definitely still happy to be out! Still happy to be serving! (Speaking of which we start volunteering at a really cool organization next week called ISOH or something. It seems like it's going to be really cool that and Hava, there is definitely a Q there).
Sister Hunter 

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