Monday, March 31, 2014

The Week of the Bikes

And so it has begun! Biking, biking all around! It has been great. Minus one day when it was snowing a lot. (Yep, it's still snowing here in Ohio. I hope you're not jealous. Because man do we all love it.) Apparently Ohio has been voted the number one worst winter in the United States. But the 9th coldest or something like that. According to the bishop of our ward who we had dinner with last night. (P.S. the bishop is hilarious. In case you were curious.) But yeah. Glad we are having bikes at the tail end of it. They are great though. 
What has happened this week? We are actually having a lot of lessons and service opportunities now! Our days are super booked, without having to try and search out ways for them to be booked which has been really nice. We have 4 investigators, 2 of which are super solid, 2 of which we're hoping will be soon!
We were teaching one the other day and it was really great. She was saying how all of 'the mormons' she's met have this light about them. And it reminded me of that article that Allison had read forever ago that was studying this 'so called light' that people have. :) I wonder if that's why people think we're a cult though. Because a lot of us are so happy a lot of the time. If they think we're on drugs or something. We're not. Obviously. Word of Wisdom, guys. Come on. But yes. I don't know where my thoughts are going right now.
Oh! I bought these track pants a while ago and I love them so much. I'm not sure if it's because I can't wear pants now very often and so when I wear them now they are the best thing ever or if they truly are the best thing ever. I'm going with option 1. Expect me to be wearing them all the time when I am home. Assuming they survive. I've been wearing them running every other morning. (Yep, finally starting that up again. Jennifer, I think of you every time.) And it's just all been going great. This week has been wonderful.
We watched the General Woman's Meeting (I can't remember if that is the name so let's hope so), on Saturday and it was amazing! We've been talking a lot about inviting investigators to watch conference with a question on their minds so that they can find the answer to it and it truly does work. I'm sure the majority of you that will be watching general conference already do that, but if not do!
Well, I suppose it shall end there. I continue to thank all of you for your letters! I love them dearly! I admonish some of you for not writing me more (you know who you are) but then also understand that you have lives so maybe less admonishing and more hope for the future. 
Continue doing wonderful things and being wonderful people! 

Most sincerely,
Sister Hunter

Pictures include: Me attempting to get a picture of me and Sister Hodson while on our bikes and failing and only getting a picture of myself
Our bikes

Me looking super attractive making sure our appointments are still set for the next day in a park.

Sister Hodson looking fly.  

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