Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Week of Transfers

Hello all, 

I hope things are going well in your various lands and various lives. I continue to miss you and continue to enjoy your letters. In case you thought those things had changed. They have not.
My first transfer is officially over tomorrow. Meaning it has been 6 weeks that I have been in the field. Crazy crazy things.
As of right now Sister Hodson and I are both staying, but we're also confused because there was talk of something else happening that I don't know if we can actually talk of yet, so you all get to be in the dark, but just know that we are confused. As to everyone else, one of our roommates is leaving, Sister Openshaw to be precise. Which is really sad because we love her very much and do not want her to go. But she is being transferred out of the stake. Also, one of the biking sisters (sister Mitchell to be precise) is as well. The biking sisters are also our sister training leaders and I am very sad about this development as well because my exchange was with Sister Mitchell and she is pretty much fantastic. (For those of you that do not know, an exchange is when you switch companions for a day so that you can learn from each other and such exciting things). So, her companion Sister Frampton came to our area and I went to theirs, which is a biking area. 
It was super fantastic. I love biking. So much. It is great. I recommend it to all. Though it is less fun in a skirt. And less fun on a bike where the brakes don't work on the right side and you have to make hand signals with your left so when you're coming to a stop for the first time and making the signal and find out the brakes don't work very well you may very narrowly avoid crashing into your companion. Not that that nearly happened to me. Just as a general thought. I also got really lucky because the next day there was a super huge snow storm but that day it was 47.
On the day of the super huge snow storm we were stuck in the apartment until 6. At which point we then went and shoveled a members driveway for 2 hours. It took 2 hours because she a) has a huge driveway and b) there was snow probably about 8 inches at certain points but on average about 6 across the whole thing.  But yes, it shall not be long today because we had a lot going on. So, enjoy the short email. There will probably be some super huge news next week.
Until then, 
Sister Hunter 
PS Here are some more pictures to show how picturesque Ohio is. Also, a picture of me looking like a crazed raccoon after we shoveled that driveway. 
Should be in order: Me as a crazed raccoon, Toy story clouds and the flat barren landscape, Ohio being Ohio, Ohio actually having some pretty things, like a river and trees! And a super beautiful sunset that makes me regret having such a terrible camera because every other picture was blurry or plain terrible. 

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