Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A wedding, a performance, transfers, and a broken foot

This week has been pretty crazy. We attended the wedding of a member in our ward whose name is Lizzie. It was really beautiful. They were adorable. We then had a musical performance thing in the church on sunday evening called Women at the Well. Which some of you may know very well but I knew nothing of. It went great. Sister Mertlich and I were only in the choir BUT WE MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Not really. But it was great! 2 of our investigators came and a lot of people from the community and other wards so it was quite the success! 
And sadly transfers are upon us and Sister Mertlich is leaving me. I am really really sad about this. Because she is wonderful and I love her. And we only had one transfer together. But it was very likely to happen since she is a Kirtland sister. But I am going to miss her so very much. I will be staying in bowling Green for another transfer though! So that's awesome! But this will probably be my last one. Maybe not though. We can hope right? I would love it if I could stay here until Jessee and Laura come back for school. But it's probably not going to happen. 
As to incredibly exciting news: I thought I broke my foot yesterday! I accidentally dropped my bike on it and the part where you squeeze the brakes fell right between the bones of my toes so when I picked it up it was creepily sunk into my foot and then began to swell immediately. I included a very terrible picture of the swelling. It didn't last very long before spreading out across my whole foot. My whole foot is swollen now instead of just the awesome goose egg looking thing. But luckily one of our fellow sisters has her LPN or some sort of nursing something and she said it is not broken so that is good! 
And we have a lot of things happening today that we want to do so we are making emailing short so I shall end this here! I hope you enjoy the pictures! Sorry I have failed at remembering cameras and cords and taking pictures every week. 

The first one: Sister Mertlich and I. She had to buy those glasses because bugs kept flying into her eyes. 

The second: I decided to lay on the couch upside down. So we all decided to do so and make Ohio out of our arms. Because obviously that's the next step you take when laying on a couch upside down.

The third: Our investigators Melodie and Charles! The ones that played the music in the park! I love them!

The fourth: A terribly blurry picture of my swollen foot! Hopefully you can see how far up it swelled. It was pretty gnarly. 

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