Monday, June 2, 2014

Another Week Down

And I don't really know what to say about this week. I went on exchanges with Sister Turpin and that was super fun and a lot of happiness. It was strange being back in my old area. I was kind of sad because we weren't able to see Sister Fenn or the Chases. But that's okay. Because I see them at church still of course. But yes. Fun times. Sister Turpin and I took a series of incredibly beautiful pictures together. I would show you but guess who forgot her camera cord again! 
We were able to go to the baptism of the woman that drove us to Kirtland this Saturday (the baptism was saturday. She drove us last wednesday. In case that is confusing). She is so incredible. She received a special invitation from Elder Holland to be able to attend the meeting. Seriously though she is amazing. She was telling us in the car on the way down that she wrote this letter to her old preacher that she is very close to telling him that the only defense she has for joining this church is the Book of Mormon. If he wanted to ask her any questions she told him he had to read that book first. How amazing is that? 
I think this week I've grown to love the Book of Mormon more than I previously had. It's considered the keystone of our religion for a reason. We put everything on that book. When you come to know that it is true that is how you know that Joseph Smith is a prophet and that every other aspect is true. It's a lot of weight to put on something.  I also love that we invite people to read it and ask God for themselves. It's not a moment of, "Here this is the truth. Accept it." It's, "We know this is true. But you shouldn't take our words for it. Read it for yourself. Ask for yourself. Find out for yourself." And as we read in Moroni 10, "and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart and real intent he will manifest the truth of it unto you". Ah people. Missions. They're great.
Speaking of which, my other favorite part of the week: Sister Mertlich and I were on our bikes paused for cars to go so we could cross the street and all of the sudden some random guy sticks his fist out the window and is like, "Mormons!" in the most excited way possible. It was hilarious.
And with that, until we meet again familia y amigos. 

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