Monday, June 30, 2014

A Week of Miracles

This week was absolutely awesome. So remember how last week I was like, "I'm going to write down a miracle every week because we do that in district meeting and it's awesome!" Well, this last week the entire week was a miracle. First off, we finally got 20 lessons. Between cancellations or other things we have not had 20 lessons pretty much since the university got out. BUT THIS WEEK WE DID. It was so great. Not only that but we were incredibly busy. We kept having people call to ask us for service or to ask us to come over and for that we were hardly out doing stop bys at all. But then when we did do stop bys we found 4 people that were interested and we have an appointment set up to see one of them tomorrow. How cool is that? This happens practically never. It has been amazing.
The best miracle of all though is one of the less actives in our area. She had been coming back to church really strong for a while there and then all of a sudden she just completely dropped off the face of the planet. She wouldn't answer the doors or phone calls or anything and started going to another church. Eventually we were able to meet with her and then we would randomly catch her. Then we dropped by this last Friday and she had completely turned around and wanted to start coming back to church again. It's awesome because she has been going off an on her whole life, but this time it was only 2 months before she started back again. Meaning I have been here this entire time. Normally it takes years for her to want to come back. It's amazing. It was so great. Love it. Happiness all around.
But yes. This week has been wonderful. We were praying really hard to be able to make it to our goal of 20 lessons and it happened and we were so happy. And our whole zone did great. This week our zone had more lessons and more new investigators than it has ever had. Can you say awesome? Because I can say awesome.
So there you have it. Full of fantastic. What a great week. I hope all of yours went just as well!

-Sister Hunter
The pictures:
-We wrote Elder Covey a note for when they came to inspect our apartment. Our note is in red. His response is in orange. I feel as if it describes our relationship beautifully. 
-But because I don't like only sending one picture: Here is a weird bug sister mertlich and I found in the church a couple of weeks ago in the church
-The Cady's made us each our own pies. Yep. They did. 
-A picture from our elevator ride of last week.


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