Monday, June 23, 2014

What to title this...

Hello family! How are you all doing in your lovely homes and lives? I hope well.
This week was pretty..interesting. We made a lot of phone calls this week to try and find some of the former investigators that were in the area. One of them was spelled Dajana. Luckily she didn't answer the phone because her name is pronounced Diana. I was going to say "Da-john-ah" That would have been wrong.
Sister Bullock and I also had some super special moments this week. I don't even know how to describe them. There was one point when Sister Bullock and I were in an elevator and I walked out of it and turned around and she was still in it. So I turn behind me and the doors are starting to close and we both have this look of sheer panic on our faces because neither of us could think of what to do to prevent our upcoming separation. And then we both realized at the exact same time that perhaps if we stick our arms out the doors will stop. But we both did so incredibly hesitantly because one of my (I suppose no longer) secret fears is that the doors will still shut on my arms because the thing that recognizes that there are body parts there is broken or something. And she said later that she was thinking, "What if these elevator doors are ones that that doesn't happen with." Don't worry. We managed to not be separated and lived to tell this tale. Neither of us with any missing limbs.
I love Sister Bullock though. She is so great. We are getting along smashingly. Which is awesome. Especially since pretty much every single thing we like is different from each other. Like she loves the heat and I don't. I love pets and she doesn't. But we get along awesome. So great.
To completely change the subject, every week in district meeting they have us say a miracle that happened that week so I think I am going to do that on my emails now as well. This week my miracle was last night. Our appointments all fell through and none of our stop bys were home so we were riding back down Maple which is a street where one of our less active members lives. We have been trying to see her but her son has been in the hospital in a coma so we didn't want to disturb her or pressure her or anything while her and her family are trying to cope with this time. But last night I was thinking as we rode that maybe we should try and stop by her. And then I almost completely missed her house but then looked over just in time to see her standing in the doorway and she was waving at us. So we were able to see her and talk with her for a little. I don't know if anything we said helped but I know that it was no coincidence that she happened to be standing there right at that time. I know that Heavenly Father is always watching over all of us and helping each one of us. Even if it doesn't seem like He's there. He always is. He's always helping us and will always help us. IT took me a really long time to understand this concept, but I know it is true. Even when it's hard to believe.
I hope you're all doing well. I miss you all so much!
Sister Hunter

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