Monday, June 16, 2014

Can you say confusion?

Well. This week. Super special. Super awesome.
I got called to ..kind of train? But not really? It's an interesting story. My new companion is pretty awesome. Her name is Sister Bullock. She is from here in Ohio. She was serving in Arizona (Phoenix, not scottsdale, sorry, steph) but then had to go home for medical reasons and is now here waiting to get a call to a completely different place. So she basically is going to have 3 different missions. How fun is that! But I'm supposed to be 'refreshing training' type of thing? I don't know. It's interesting. President called the night before transfer meeting to say he wanted me to go so I could meet her there like all the trainers meeting their new missionaries. But I'm not really training. But then he wants us to go to training meeting on Friday. So it's just all sorts of weird. But hey. It's fun. And Sister Mejia is training so I got to see her there and we'll be half riding up with her on Friday. So that'll be awesome.
Sister Bullock is super cool though. I enjoy her. She understands sarcasm and loves cheese so we can be friends.
This week has been pretty crazy what with transfers and everything. I miss Sister Mertlich quite a lot. She is such a cool person. But we all must move on. She got called to be a sister training leader though. So that is quite exciting!
I am also now the 'oldest' one in Bowling Green. In the sense that I am the missionary that has been here the longest now. That is weird. But awesome. I love Bowling Green. It's so great. Especially now that everything's not dead. But it's also starting to get terrible humidesqueness. So that's less fun.
At the interfaith bible study we go to on Wednesdays they asked me if I'm killing off my companions. I told them they'll never know.
We had to give a talk yesterday in Branch with the theme of anything father's. I gave one for the first time with just bullet points instead of writing it all out. So that was special. Fourth talk ever given. I actually managed to last 15 minutes too. I am proud of myself. Look at me. Growing. Shucks.
I was reading the book of mormon this morning and something in it reminded me of that talk that President Uchtdorf gave a couple conferences ago about doubting your doubts before you doubt your faith (it was uchtdorf right? Or was it Holland? Pretty sure it was Uchtdorf). But it was really cool because I had this realization about it. Before when I thought about it I always thought it meant that if we doubt anything we should immediately write it off because it means you're not letting your faith take over. But really I think he meant that when we have doubts we should thoroughly 'investigate' those doubts and not let those doubts seep in to other aspects of the gospel that we know to be true. That we should never say, "Well this one little bit seems to be wrong so every other thing is obviously wrong as well." I think that is what he meant by it. Which I'm glad I realized that. Because we all have doubts sometimes, and pushing them into a corner doesn't make them go away permanently. Studying them out and finding them to be wrong or baseless does. And then when we have studied it out and proven those doubts to be wrong, our testimony of that thing is that much stronger. It's really cool.
And there is my two cents for the week. I bid you all adieu.
-Sister Hunter

PS Sorry this is all over the place. My head is all over the place today. Not literally though. It is in fact in one piece on my neck.

Me sitting in the back of the van with all of the luggage on the way back from transfer meeting. It was my favorite moment. How do you fit 5 missionaries and 3 of their luggage in a minivan? Tetris and mad skills. That is how.
How lovely the bruise on my foot is progressing
The bruise and cut I didn't realize I had on the back of my leg for a while because I was so distracted by the fact that my foot was swelling up to a gumball and then exploding from within.

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